India Church Planting Through HBI Global Partners Reaches Thousands

Reaching the unreachable and making disciples as commanded in the Bible is the mission of HBI Global Partners and their work in India. A nation made up of people who speak numerous languages and accept many gods, India is a land that can make a great impact in the spreading of the Gospel. HBI Global Partners

India Church Planting is one of the main strategies of HBI Global Partners as they work to fulfill the Great Commission. Whether you’re looking to volunteer and be a part of the team, or donate to the great work they are doing, HBI Global Partners wants to partner with you.

Be a part of planting over 11,000 churches in 23 states in India and watch as the Gospel and HBI Global Partners transforms lives for the better.

HBI Global Partners Strategies

Church planting is a commitment and is successful because of trainings that bring people together in fellowship. HBI Global Partners provide effective, informal trainings, taking people from evangelists, to disciple-makers, to church planters – working with other ministries and individuals throughout India to make a lasting change.

Apart from Church Planting, some other strategies of HBI Global Partners’ include:

Learn More About HBI Global Partners

If spreading the Gospel is something you are passionate about, become a volunteer or donate to HBI Global Partners as they work to reach the unreachable.

If you’d like to learn more about HBI Global Partners, contact them today:

HBI Global Partners

PO Box 3037

Broken Arrow, OK 74013
