Based in Tulsa, OK Longevity Effect specializes in Applied Kinesiology. If you have struggled with chronic illness or injuries over a long period of time you should contact Longevity Effect to start treatment as soon as possible. Longevity Effect provides an escape from everyday stress and pursues total wellness through healing services like Tulsa Float Therapy for both the mind and body.  The team at Longevity Effect has years of experience, is reliable and wants to help you start your healing process today.

Tulsa Magnesphere

Areas Of Focus

Longevity Effect offers a wide selection of services that are aimed at providing you with a customized avenue of treatment that works best for you. Some of these services include:

Longevity Effect has a philosophy that the focus on general health and wellness today will help reduce long-term health issues and associated costs. They have collaborated with a team of healthcare professionals to ensure that you reach the full potential of your health. Contact Longevity Effect today for more information.

Longevity Effect
4415 S Harvard Ave Ste 104
Tulsa, OK 74134
(918) 895-7850