Sequoyah (Tahlequah) High School to shut down athletics for first nine weeks

Sequoyah High School in Tahlequah put out its plan for the start of the 2020-2021 school year on social media on Wednesday and it included the suspension of activities for the first nine weeks.

The information on Twitter reads:

“As school resumes, extracurricular student activities will also be limited to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Substantially all such activities for which proper social distancing and other safety measures cannot be utilized, such as athletics and band, will be suspended during the initial nine week phase of reopening. School Administrators are exploring ways to use technology to make as many extracurricular activities available as possible.”

The plan for reopening includes a plan for virtual instruction, as well as in-person instruction that limits attendance to no more than 25 percent of students in a building at one time.

Below is the tweet:

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